Monday, June 10, 2013

Color and Prints - Outfits

Lately I have been adding more and more color into my wardrobe. I LOVE to wear black, it is slimming and even a not-polished outfit can look like a million bucks in black! But with warmer weather, I want prints and bright colors more and more. Here are 3 outfits I've been wearing lately.

Honest moment: My husband isn't a fan of the middle one. He didn't like it at all! But, it was modest and I was comfortable so I wore it to church last night and as soon as I walked in the doors two ladies stopped me and complimented my outfit!

Sorry for the horrible pictures! I actually took those for my husband while I was at work because I wanted him to see my outfits! Haha He leaves before I do in the mornings!

I will do outfit posts every once in a while. Modesty is very, very important to me and I am so thankful that I am Pentecostal and I get to wear skirts all the time! Of course, that's not the basis of our religion, but it IS the icing on the cake! :)

Thanks for reading!

1 comment:

  1. Love the coral, mint and stripes!! You left a sweet comment on my blog and I wanted to let you know I got it... I couldn't reply to your comment directly, but if you'd like to keep in touch {hope that doesn't creep you out}, feel free to email me. SewMuchCrafting {at} yahoo {dot} com.

    Anyway. I love the six month idea you mentioned - and I've considered something similar for us... Food for thought, that's for sure!

    Hope you have a great weekend!
    Blessings, Danielle @
